Friday, September 17, 2010

Dreamcast: Dreams of flying high speed and caves in the forest.

Dreamcast:Dreams of flying high and caves in the forest.

Dream 1: Dream of flying high and far away.

I was flying in a very high altitude and in high speed. I saw two higher mountains far down down there in front. I passed over the mountains and forest. I saw ocean. I passes over the ocean in a short time and I saw the mountains and greenland again.

Dream 1 interpreted as follow.

I may be in the cockpit view of a plane. In should be below 30000 feet's as I did not see the cloud. The flying speed could be over the speed of sound. My grandfather Chong Hong Ping who was registered as technician was a former Singapore Changi Airport member. The link follow just gave us some imagination of my dream above.

The info XB-70 supersonic bomber.

Dream 2: Dream of flying toward a cave.

I was flying about a few hundred feet's above. I made a slight curve flying. I saw trees and a big cave. The trees was not dense and I can see small river network flowing toward and the river water flowing down like waterfall into the cave.

Dream 2 interpreted as follow.

The location may be in South America. Public told me I visited Niagara Fall before. I went through a documentary of Niagara Fall before. The view did look almost similar went the amount of water was not much in dried season. I don't think that was Niagara Fall. Niagara Fall was not a cave. It's was not China sinkhole also as they was water flowing into the cave. I saw the entire cave that was not a round hole like the China sinkhole but like the eye shape. The Guatimala sinkhole look a lot the similar.

Dream 3: Dream of flying into a cave.

I saw a round sinkhole. There was dence trees surrounded the sinkhole. I was flying down and I saw many trees at the wall at my right hand site. I did not see waterfall.

Dream 3 interpreted as follow.

The reduced of G force made me remember the event. The location look like the China sinkhole.