Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ubderstanding W .

I have a W life . Therefore the people, my families and my life event were also W . It is superficial but readers shall make note that I was a not ordinary character in the social .

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Picture Illustration :

1. The sketch picture of the elephant alike creature in the river . It should be the long neck dinosours.
2. The sketch picture of the young long neck dino from the window at the dream in other blogspot .
3. The sketched picture of X - Submarine that I saw in the dream in blogspot cbhooi330 20111105DREAMS .

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post VI.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post VI.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post V.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post V.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post IV.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post IV.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post III.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post III.

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post II

Dreamcast: That should be good enough. - continue from the previous post II.